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The Student Services Team, led by the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, ensures a supportive, safe, and secure environment for all SD 308 staff, students and their families. Use the navigation on this page or view the information below to see more:
  • Parents/Guardians may request for attendance to a school other than the home school, referred to as an Attendance Transfer Request (ATR).
  • Get Help Now - Read more about Title IX policies, report an incident, and find additional helpful resources.
  • Home Insecurity - The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act establishes federal legislation related to the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness. Read more and apply for Homeless Assistance here.
  • The Incident Reporting Form is a simple form that can be used to report a potential safety issue for investigation. For confidentiality, this form can be completed anonymously, if desired.
  • International and Foreign Exchange Students - SD 308 proudly welcomes international and foreign exchange students, offering them the opportunity to engage in a dynamic educational experience within our district.
  • Progression SystemSee the flow chart from Elementary to High School.
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities - Outlines the district's standards for academic integrity, personal conduct, and interactions with others to foster a physically and psychologically safe learning environment. 
  • Supportive Environment - An Individualized, written document designed to address situations where unsafe behavior has the potential to harm the individual and/or those around them.
  • Visitor Management Procedures - The safety and security of students and staff is a top priority of SD 308. We continually review procedures and consider recommendations by school and agency experts. We have adopted Standard Response Protocols that align with nationally recognized procedures that are outlined in the “I Love U Guys” Foundation and align with other school districts across Illinois.

By prioritizing psychological and physical safety,our team creates a supportive environment where students feel confident and take ownership of their education. Our department's comprehensive efforts shape a positive educational experience for students, families, and the entire school community. 

If you have additional questions, please reach out to
Student Services Staff

Student Services Staff