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Cross Categorical Program (Cross Cat)
The Cross Categorical Program provides special education services in a self contained setting to students in early childhood through fifth grade who require specialized instruction and/or intensive case management. Within this setting, the focus is the specific needs of students across a continuum of academic, functional, language, SEL, and behavioral needs. Students with similar abilities work on academic and functional skills, along with the integration of related services.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH)
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program provides specialized instruction for students in preschool through twelfth grade. Core curriculum ranges from modified regular education curriculum to intervention curriculum. Students also work on auditory discrimination, coping skills and learn about their hearing loss and equipment. The students’ needs are addressed by a team based approach. Itinerant teachers can also provide services to students in their home schools.
Early Childhood (EC)
The purpose of Early Childhood Services in School District 308 is to provide educational services to preschool-aged children identified with disabilities that are adaptable to each child’s needs, interests, and level of development. Through individualized instruction, all students progress at their own rate. School District 308 provides intensive interventions for children who are experiencing difficulty in achieving age-appropriate developmental levels.
East View Academy (EVA)
East View Academy is a public therapeutic day school designed to provide an academic curriculum with intensive behavioral and emotional supports. The purpose of the school is to provide educational services in a highly structured small group special education setting. These services are for kindergarten through twelfth-grade students who display behavioral, emotional, or other disabilities that interfere with their school achievement, classroom behavior, social skills, and/or relationships.
Instructional Skills Program (ISP)
The purpose of the Instructional Skills Program is to provide special education services in a cross-categorical setting to students in junior high and high school who require specialized instruction and/or intensive case management. This program provides a level of intervention in a general education school building that exceeds the services in the Resource Program.
Life Skills Program (LSP)
The Life Skills Program provides instruction within a public school setting to students in junior high and high school who have been identified with significant cognitive and/or pervasive developmental disabilities. Instruction is based on a functional curriculum that incorporates academics and acquisition of daily living and vocational skills. The ultimate outcome is for students to transition successfully into adulthood within the community.
Resiliency, Expression, Awareness, Connection, Hope (REACH)
The REACH program provides structured small sized class that utilizes intensive social emotional support to high school students who have lacked success in their home schools due to frequent or lengthy hospitalizations or school refusal/anxiety.
Resource services are for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. This program utilizes general education curriculum while providing specialized instruction, modifications, and accommodations to support specific learning needs. Resource services are provided in all general education buildings throughout the district.
Supporting Kids in Lifelong Learning of Socialization, Self Control and Self-Advocacy (SKILLS)
The purpose of the SKILLS - Emotional Disability program (ED) is to provide educational services in the general education school setting to students in kindergarten through twelfth grade who display behavior or emotional issues that interfere with their school achievement, classroom behavior, social skills, and/or relationships with others. Social Work services are integrated into the SKILLS classroom and all students receive individual social work services, as well.
Speech Only
Speech and Language services can be provided as a stand-alone service or as a related service, in conjunction with other programs. These services treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders.
The STARS program provides educational and related services within a public school setting to students identified with autism spectrum disorders, developmental delay, and other eligibilities. The program utilizes a variety of research-based methods to provide each student with an individualized program in a classroom setting while addressing academic, social, communication, behavioral, and functional needs of the student.
Transition Program at Pathways (Pathways)
The Transition Program is housed at the Pathways site and provides instruction and support for students with special needs ranging from age 18-22. The Transition Program focuses on the acquisition of daily living and vocational skills that lead to a successful transition to adult life within the community.


Related Services
The IEP must include special education and related services and other supports and services for the student to:  
  • Advance toward annual goals;
  • Progress in the general curriculum;
  • Participate in extracurricular and nonacademic activities; and
  • Be educated and participate with all children
Purpose of Related Services
  • Related services in the school setting are provided only if needed to help a child learn from his educational program.
  • To help the child function in the school setting so that he or she can benefit from the educational program.
Delivery of Realted Services
  • IEP reflects the amount of service and frequency (per week, month, quarter)
  • Services can be delivered in therapy classrooms or integrated within the student’s classroom environment.
  • Services types vary
    • Direct (works directly with a student on goals)
    • Consult (provides consultation to the educational team for carryover in the educational environment.
Speech and Language Therapy
  • Evaluate student’s communication skills
  • Treatment consists of
    • Expressive language (how they communicate)
    • Receptive language (what they understand)
      • Language delays typically impact academics, especially in the areas of Language Arts and Math.
    • Articulation skills (how clear speech sounds are)
    • Fluency (Stuttering)
    • Oral Motor/Feeding skills
Occupational Therapy
  • Evaluate student’s fine motor and sensory processing skills
    • Visual motor (Forming letters, writing)
    • Tasks to improve truck strength
    • Tasks to improve tone for reaching/grasping objects
    • Sensory processing skills will help develop motor sensory plans to assist students to maintain their attention and participate in the educational environment.
    • Self-help skills
    • Assist with access to assistive technology
Physical Therapy
  • Evaluate gross motor skills, strength, tone, and balance
    • Activities to improve strength/balance
    • Mobility activities – improve the ability to independently move (roll, crawl, walk)
    • Specialized equipment – seating, mobility (wheelchairs), modifications to environments
    • Consultation on lifting and transferring
    • Facilitate independence
Music Therapy
  • Use of music intervention to accomplish individualized goals
  • Utilizes music to reinforce communication (concepts), motor and sensory needs
  • Utilizes music to reinforce academic/social skills, motivation and positive behavior supports
  • Provides group services to targeted classrooms
  • LSP, STARS, and Early Childhood 
Adapted Physical Education
  • Physical education that may be adapted or modified to address the individualized needs of students with gross motor delays.
    • Adapts/modifies the PE curriculum and or instruction to meet the needs of the student
    • Facilitates participation of students with disabilities with typically developing peers in age-appropriate activities
    • Provides modifications to equipment
Social Work/Counseling Services
Social Work/Counseling Services are available to students with disabilities as a related service.  The goal of social work/counseling services should be to constantly target approaches that have a preventive and developmental basis. In creating a preventive atmosphere, Social workers/Counselors are skilled in helping children set goals, make decisions, understand accountability and responsibility, and express their needs.
Vision Itinerant Services
Vision itinerant services are available to children with visual impairments whose educational functioning is impacted as a result of a vision loss, blindness, or degenerative vision condition.  The goal is to coordinate and facilitate each child’s educational plan in all areas impacted by low vision or blindness. 
Hearing Itinerant Services
Hearing Itinerant services are provided by a teacher certified to teach the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; however, since these teachers often travel from school to school. These services support the mainstream curriculum or alternative academic curriculum. 
Orthopedic/Health Impaired Itinerant
Orthopedic/Health Impaired itinerant services for children with physical disabilities and/or significant health is to facilitate participation in the school program and enhancement of student functioning across the environments of school, home, and community.  The Orthopedic/Health itinerant teacher collaborates with a variety of personnel to ensure the student’s IEP is fully implemented.  
Full and part-time paraprofessionals are used to assist students with disabilities. A paraprofessional may be necessary to provide the student with a free, appropriate public education (FAPE).
Board Certified Behavior Analysts
At select Special Education programs in SD308, Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) work together with staff to provide behavioral supports for individual students and classrooms.  They also collaborate with teams in developing functional behavior assessments, behavior intervention plans and data collection for Individual Education Programs. 
In the event that BCBAs are requested to participate in behavioral assessments or direct intervention with individual students, parents are notified in advance.