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High School Summer School 2025

High School Summer School 2025

If you have General questions, please contact:
  • Kate Lippoldt, Co-Secondary Summer School Coordinator at or 630-636-2012
  • Brian Vaughan, Co-Secondary Summer School Coordinator at or 630-636-4520
If you have questions regarding Courses, please contact:
High School Summer School will be held at:
Oswego East High School
1525 Harvey Road, Oswego, IL 60543
Oswego East will be open for Summer School on the following dates and times:
  • Session 1: Monday, June 9, 2025 – Thursday, June 26, 2025
  • Session 2: Monday, June 30, 2025 – Thursday, July 17, 2025
School Day: Monday - Thursday, 7:30 AM – 12:30 PM.
  • Please note that SD 308 will be closed on Fridays in June and July.
Additionally, SD 308 will be closed on the following dates:
  • Thursday, June 19th in observance of Juneteenth.
  • Wednesday, July 2nd - Closed in observance of Independence Day.
  • Thursday, July 3rd - Closed in observance of Independence Day.

How to Register:

After you have registered for a course, you will be redirected to Pushcoin to make payment. Your registration is not complete until payment has been made.
Additionally, any registrations that are not completed via the online registration process may not be honored.

Summer School Calendar

3/03/25: Registration opens
5/23/25: Last day of school
5/26/25: District closed for Memorial Day
6/01/25: Registration closes


High School Summer School courses are completed through a web-based program called Imagine Edgenuity. Although course content is online all students will be required to be IN PERSON for all unit tests.
Attendance procedures vary by course classifications:
Initial Credit (IC) courses are for students taking a credit-bearing course for the first time.
Course Content: students may work remotely as long as they satisfy two criteria:
      • Maintain an ACTUAL grade of at least a C (70%) in the course
      • Remain on pace.
If these two criteria are not met, courses in Edgenuity will be disabled until the student attends.
  • Unit Tests: students are required to come IN PERSON to complete their unit tests.
Credit Recovery (CR) courses are for students who previously failed a credit-bearing course and need to make up the credit. Students may recover credit for semester 1 and/or semester 2 during session 1 and/or session 2.
  • Course Content & Unit Tests: students are required to attend Summer School EACH day. If students choose not to follow the attendance requirements for Summer School, courses in Edgenuity will be disabled until the student attends.


Student Rights and Responsibilities Code
SD 308 Student Rights and Responsibilities Code applies to Summer School. Students who choose to violate any part of the Code may be dropped from Summer School courses without a tuition refund.
Repeating Courses
When a student fails a required class, she or he must repeat the class. All “F” grades remain on a student's transcript and in the student’s grade point calculations. Under individual circumstances, students can enroll in the district program for credit recovery, upon failing multiple required courses. Enrollment availability is limited and determined by the student’s counselor.
***A student that has passed a course cannot repeat that course in Summer School.***

Dropping Courses
Students can be dropped from courses for several reasons. If students drop prior to the end of day 2 of each session, they will receive a Withdraw (W) on their transcript. Withdraw (W) will not affect GPA. If students drop after day 2 of each session or are dropped based on academic and behavior infractions (e.g., cheating, involvement in a physical altercation) students will receive a Withdraw Fail (WF) on their transcript. Withdraw Fail (WF) will have a negative effect on GPA by being figured into the GPA as an F.
Students may drop courses by the registration deadline for a full refund. Due to staffing decisions based on enrollment, SD308 cannot provide refunds for students who drop after the registration deadline.


Initial Credit (IC) and Credit Recovery (CR) courses are $225.00 per student per session.
If your student(s) qualified for a Fee Waiver during the 2024-2025 school year, they will receive a fee waiver for Summer School. Additional paperwork may be required.