
Visit the YouTube channel for TouchChat to find some great resources directly from TouchChat! One great playlist is the TouchChat Software Updates- What's New?
Whenever TouchChat is updated, a new video is released so that you can see the new features that are included in the update!
Watch Recorded Classes or Recorded Guest Webinars. Perhaps a question that you have might be covered in one of their twenty-five TouchChat Tutorials. Click the title above to visit the YouTube Channel and begin learning.
Language learning occurs in steps. As a communication partner, you are crucial to helping your child develop language and communication. You model language for your child during daily activities, you respond to your child’s attempts to communicate, and you help them learn to say words in a more efficient way. But what do these steps look like when it comes to Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)? Visit the Saltillo YouTube Channel and begin watching the Stepping Stones to AAC playlist to learn more!
Maybe you want to learn more by watching a Recorded Implementation Class or finding some How-To's in particular Products Features.
Please contact with questions or to schedule a training for you or your student.