Learning Ally
Learning Ally Audiobooks are a multi-sensory reading accommodation that levels the playing field for students who struggle to read due to a reading deficit, providing them the opportunity to achieve in school and in life. Gaining access to the books they want to read—and the books they need to read—in an easy-to-absorb format can be a game changer.

Downloading the App
*The app should already be added to your Assistive Technology device. This video is for your reference to add Learning Ally to other, personal, devices.
Get the Most Out of Audiobooks
This silent video is an extension of what is seen in the "Adding Books" video above.
See what the difference is between types of Learning Ally books and how to add them to your Bookshelf in this silent screencast.
Adding Books
This silent video is an extension of what is seen starting at 1:54 in the "Get the Most Out of Audiobooks" Video above.
See how to take notes and export them from Learning Ally.
Learning Ally accounts are created for students by the Assistive Technology department.
Generally speaking, the student's username is: first initial + last initial mmddyy
Please contact the student's case manager if there is an issue with your password.
Please contact assistivetechnology@sd308.org with questions or to schedule a training for you or your student.