The Illinois Math Learning Standards are "designed to help students acquire a deep, conceptual understanding of core math content through focus, coherence, and rigor. Students are taught a deeper, richer understanding of fewer concepts. Coherence ensures math connections are made between grade levels and builds logical progression. Rigor promotes the equal balance of conceptual understanding, application, and procedural skill and fluency." For more information on the Illinois Math Learning Standards visit the Illinois State Board of Education website.
My Math was built on the Common Core State Standards, aligned to the Illinois Math Learning Standards, and provides an engaging and challenging program for our elementary students. There are many components to this program that students and parents can utilize at home. Please contact your child's teacher for a login and password.
State Assessments
The Illinois Math Learning Standards are assessed on an annual basis with the required state asessment Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in grades three through eight. To learn more about IAR visit the IAR website.
Learning Framework Resources
Learning Framework Resources
Learning Framework Resources
Mathematics Curriculum
Mathematics Curriculum
The scope and sequence provides the framework for instruction aligned to the Illinois Math Learning Standards. This document provides an overview of the skills to be taught and learned by the end of the grade level.
Each math unit focuses on key vocabulary that is critical to student understanding of mathematics. An alignment was completed to ensure the build of complexity in vocabulary is aligned to the Illinois Math Learning Standards.