Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship Information
Digital citizenship curriculum provides instruction for students to develop the skills and knowledge to effectively use the Internet and other digital technology, especially in order to participate responsibly in social and civic activities.
How can parents support internet safety at home?
There are many resources available for parents in providing support for students to use technology responsibly. Please visit the following sites for more information about how you can support your child's digital citizenship at home.
Google Suite for Education
School District 308 is proud to expand a partnership with G Suite for Education.
G Suite for Education is used by thousands of schools and universities worldwide to make collaboration tools available for students. G Suite for Education collaboration tools will make it possible for students to work together on documents, presentations, and projects via the web. G Suite for Education provides an online storage space for files, eliminating most needs for flash drives between home and school. Email accounts are required by many web-based educational tools. These accounts allow students and teachers to communicate and collaborate in a safe and structured manner with their class. For more information on G Suite for Education, please visit the Google for Education Site.
The following outlines the access students will have with their google account:
- Students in grades K-4 will not have access to email, but can use their Google accounts to access apps such as Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc. Students will be able to share Docs, Slides, etc. within the SD308 domain.
- Students in grades 5-8 will have access to the apps previously provided in grades K-4 as well as email within the SD308 domain. This will limit students from sending and receiving email or sharing docs outside of school district accounts.
- Students in grades 9-12 will have access to previously provided apps in grade K-4 as well as email within and outside of the SD308 domain. This will allow students to communicate and share docs outside of the school district including college admissions, internship sites, etc.
School email accounts must comply with the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Student emails will be filtered, just as Internet access at school is filtered, to ensure student safety online. School District 308 uses filtering tools and makes every effort to block inappropriate content. However, if a student receives any inappropriate emails, they should be reported to an adult.
If you have concerns about your child having access to email through a Google account, please contact your child’s principal in writing to opt out.
Please talk to your child about online manners and safety.
Digital Citizenship Curriculum
Digital Citizenship Curriculum
Kindergarten-Fifth Grade
School District 308 is committed to the focused instruction of students to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to be good digital citizens in the era of technology in which we live. The following scope and sequences provide for each grade level lessons that are aligned to the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards.
For more information about the ISTE Standards visit the ISTE site.
Learning Framework Resources
Learning Framework Resources
Learning Framework Resources