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The Communication Department, operating under the umbrella of the District Administration Office, takes the helm in crafting and scrutinizing the content across the district and individual school websites, social media platforms, and associated technologies.
For a deeper understanding of our commitment to providing specialized instruction for our students, we invite you to explore Assistive Technology. Dive into the resources and initiatives aimed at supporting every student's unique needs and fostering an inclusive learning environment.

Policies and Standards

Compliance & Remediation
SD 308 is committed to providing a website that is accessible to individuals with disabilities in compliance with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Contact Information
SD 308 continues to improve the accessibility of this site as new technology and opportunities emerge. We welcome your questions and suggestions to guide our efforts. If you experience any difficulty in accessing a SD 308 website due to a disability, please contact our webmaster. Please provide the URL of the material you tried to access, the problem you experienced, and your contact information.
Grievances can be filed with SD 308 using the Uniform Grievance Procedure established by Board Policy 2:260. For more information contact complaint managers:
Compliance Tools
We use an automated tool to scan our websites for 508 accessibility on a monthly basis. (WAVE)
What is WAVE?
  • WAVE is a web accessibility evaluation tool. Rather than providing a complex technical report, WAVE shows your original web content with embedded icons and indicators that reveal the accessibility information within your page. WAVE cannot tell you if your web content is accessible – only a human can determine true accessibility – but WAVE can help you evaluate the accessibility of your web content. You can submit web content to WAVE for evaluation by providing a URL, uploading a file, or entering/pasting HTML code. 
Remediation Framework
The Remediation Framework outlines a course of action to bring SD308 websites and content into compliance with Section 508.
Naming convention
Documents saved will need to be identified as new documents before it is posted on the website. It will be identified with an underscore and date at the end of the file name. New documents will be expected to be accessible.
Example: exampleFileName_07242017.pdf
underscore(July, 24 2017)

Standard Fonts and Sizes


Best Option

The best option when copying information is to use CNTRL+SHIFT+V when pasting information into a content app. This pastes your document without styles, colors, and images.  This is the best option because it allows the built-in web experience to provide sizing, colors, and descriptions accommodating a wider range of people with disabilities, including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech disabilities, photosensitivity and combinations of these disabilities.
Due to the numerous ways minute differences impact disabilities, this website follows Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to provide the most well-rounded experience for all visitors. When you paste with control shift and v, you are allowing the website to use the styles defined by the website team to cater to all of these different disabilities.
  • While you personally may think the larger text is better, people with tunnel vision may disagree.  
  • While you personally may think the color text is cool, people with colorblindness may have trouble viewing items.  
  • While you personally may think the color text is cool, elderly or low vision individuals may miss words or not perceive the difference. 
  • While you personally may think the bullets on this list do not look nice, deaf individuals using a screen reader appreciate how this list follows guidelines compared to pronouncing the word "hyphen" when you place a "-" minus character
There are perceivable, operable, understandable, robust, and conformance guidelines that provide the best experience for all users.  These have been considered by the web accessibility team and by typing your material directly in the content app and using the core site styles, your page will always help those with accessibility needs. 

Headings and Font Styles for Other Software

Below, you will find information on how to make your text look close to the standard website text.
Heading 1: Archivo Black Font Size 42
Heading 2: Archivo Black Font Size 36
Heading 3: Archivo Narrow Font Size 32
Heading 4: Archivo Narrow Font Size 24
Heading 5: Archivo Narrow Font Size 20
Normal Text: Lato Font Size 16
Note: Normal Text can have bold, italic, underline, superscript, strikethrough, and other standard font changes. Avoid color, highlighting, and background changes as the only means to convey information.

Standard Font Templates

To provide a starting place, please feel free to download the below file to use these headings, fonts, and styles while working in Google Docs

Google Docs

Quick Reference Guides

These one-page accessibility resources have been developed to assist anyone who is creating accessible content. These free resources are easy to understand and user friendly.

Short Videos

Web accessibility is essential for people with disabilities and useful for all. Learn about the impact of accessibility and the benefits for everyone in a variety of situations.
Section 508

Section 508

Section 508 requires that all website content be accessible to people with disabilities. This applies to Web applications, Web pages and all attached files on the intranet, as well as, internet.
Section 508 Basics