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Board of Education

sd308 board of education 2023-2024
Welcome to the Oswego Community Unit School District 308 Board of Education (BOE)
The BOE consists of seven (7) community members and also includes two (2) student ambassadors, one from each high school in the district.
The primary meeting location where the BOE holds its meetings is at Oswego East High School in the Community Room, 1525 Harvey Road, Oswego, IL 60543
To contact the BOE secretary
Members of the board

Members of the board

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors

Board of Education Student Ambassador 2023

Luke Lockwood
OH BOE Ambassador (Appointed 2023)
Board of Education Student Ambassador 2023
Isabelle Gershon
OE BOE Ambassador (Appointed 2023)


Meetings Calendar

Meetings Calendar

  • Web-BOE
Who to Contact

Who to Contact

Questions & Concerns

How to resolve a concern

Here is a link to our visual road map that outlines the most effective way to resolve a concern while maintaining the important chain of command.

Finding your school's leaders & staff

Finding Your School’s Leaders and Staff: If you need to look up the administrator or staff member for your child’s school, please access the school website, contact information can also be found using our district wide staff directory.

Need assistance?

If you are not sure who to contact, just use this link and your question will be directed to the most appropriate administrative staff member. 

Board of Education
Assistance Form

Contact a board member

To email all Board Members you may use the email address


Are BOE meetings public?

Board meetings are not "public" meetings but rather meetings held in public. By law, all board discussion and deliberations must be conducted in public except for certain matters - personnel, negotiations, and legal - that must be discussed in closed session. However, all official board action (voting) must occur in public.

Are district 308 residents allowed to comment during the meeting?

There are specific times noted on the agenda when public comments are received. Comments are not restricted to items on the agenda. However, not all comments are appropriate for the open session. Comments regarding specific student discipline cases or personnel issues, for example are not allowed during the open session. Generall, tese types of comments should be referred to the teacher, principal or administrator who is closest to the situation.

Can the public ask questions of the board during public comment?

Typically, board members do not engage in dialogue with the public during its meetings. If the question is in regard to an item on the agenda, the board may answer the question while that agenda item is being discussed. The board can also direct district administration to follow up on individual questions outside of the board meeting.

Will the board resolve the concerns brought before it at the meeting?

The board rarely can be expected to act immediately on an issue brought before it for the first time. Even with more familiar issues, the board takes action only after it thoroughly examines all aspects of a matter. Individuals can, however, expect the board to act as promptly as circumstances allow and notify them when it arrives at a decision.

What is the proper procedure to address the board?

  1. A public comment information card should be completed and presented to the board secretary prior to the meeting.
  2. After being recognized to speak, the individual may be seated at the presentation table.
  3. Individuals addressing the board should state their name(s) along with the organization(s), if any, they represent.
  4. Comments are limited to five minutes per person. Written comments may be given to the board secretary for distribution to board members.
  5. The board president maintains order during the meeting and calls an end to comments and discussion when appropriate.
Board Advisory Committees

Board Advisory Committees

Equity and Teaching & Learning

  • This advisory committee serves to support and promote the district's goals related to diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • The committee collaborates with district team members to support the processes that create an inclusive school community. Equity ensures all students benefit from access to quality instruction, learning resources, supports, and opportunities.
  • The committee advocates for centering equity in district policies, practices, curricula, resources and school culture.
  • This advisory committee will consider curriculum, staff development, student achievement and other similar topics to be recommended to the Board of Education.

Equity and Teaching & Learning Advisory Committee Folders

Finance & Facilities

  • This advisory committee considers district finances, operations and business practices that may be acted upon by the Board of Education.
  • This committee will address long-range planning for facilities and other elements of facility development and construction, including student enrollment planning and projection, building capacity and utilization, and district boundaries.

Finance & Facilities Advisory Committee Folders

Policy Development & Legislative

  • This advisory committee reviews policies and oversees annual review cycles of Board policies, including student handbooks, to be recommended to the Board of Education.
  • This committee will work together as advocates for the district to discuss significant legislative issues related to education and provide input on these initiatives. This information will be provided to the Board of Education in an effort to establish open and consistent communication between the district and local, state and national elected officials.

Policy Development & Legislative Committee Folders


Archived agendas, minutes, and schedules from all of the Board of Education Advisory Committees: Equity and Teaching & Learning Advisory Committee, Finance & Facilities Committee, and Policy Development & Legislative Committee.
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